Download How to Translate Your Books WITHOUT SPENDING A DIME (Self-Publishing Without Spending a Dime) (Volume 2) For free

Descriptions How to Translate Your Books WITHOUT SPENDING A DIME (Self-Publishing Without Spending a Dime) (Volume 2) book

Download How to Translate Your Books WITHOUT SPENDING A DIME (Self-Publishing Without Spending a Dime) (Volume 2)

Enca$ h the power of translation WITHOUT SPENDING A DIME From the Amazon #1 Bestselling author of the “Cooking In A JiffY” and “Quiet Phoenix” series of books, comes this DIY manual of practical tips and advice that can take your writing dreams to literally translation Nirvana. Distilling his practical, hands-on experience in putting out as many as 12 books on all e-Book platforms from Amazon to Babelcube, author Prasenjeet Kumar details as to how you too can make the translated versions of your book hit the world market, in both paperback and e-Book formats, without breaking into a nervous sweat. This book covers many essential issues of translation. There are tips on how to select a translator, finding an editor/proof reader for your translated books, adapting your existing book cover, formatting, pricing, publishing and marketing your translated books worldwide on 300+ retailers. And all, as promised, WITHOUT SPENDING A DIME! Remember Paulo Coelho’s “The Alchemist . CLICK HERE TO START DOWNLOAD